
儲存授權檔.當您擁有授權檔時,請將其儲存在安裝NetworkLicenseManager ...,2022年3月30日—Inthisblog,wewilltalkaboutthenewAutodesklicensingtypesandhowthesecanimpactyourorganization.,ANetworklicenseallowsyoutorunoneormanyAutodeskproductsonmultipleworkstationsusingoneormoreserverstomanagetheallocationoflicenses.For ...,ClickGenerateNetworkLicenseFileunderQUICKLINKSandthenselectyourservermodelandthepr...


儲存授權檔. 當您擁有授權檔時,請將其儲存在安裝Network License Manager ...

New Autodesk Licensing Types and How They Affect You

2022年3月30日 — In this blog, we will talk about the new Autodesk licensing types and how these can impact your organization.


A Network license allows you to run one or many Autodesk products on multiple workstations using one or more servers to manage the allocation of licenses. For ...

Generate a Network License File in Autodesk Account

Click Generate Network License File under QUICK LINKS and then select your server model and the products to be added to the license file. Click the disclosure ...

Network License Manager 系統需求

瞭解Network License Manager 系統需求,以便高效地規劃Autodesk 軟體部署。請造訪Autodesk 支援,以瞭解詳細資訊。


下載並安裝適用於您作業系統的最新版Autodesk Network License Manager (NLM)。在您規劃用於設置授權伺服器的每部伺服器上安裝NLM。請務必查看NLM 系統需求。

Install network licensing software

Follow detailed steps to Install Autodesk Network License Manager (NLM) with precision on Windows, macOS, and Linux servers.